Thursday, 28 June 2007

3rd Nominations - Top 10 Inspiring Movies


Been few days that i came up to post my blog. Been busy preparing plans and presentation slides for my professional job. Phew! Finally able to come back early to blog.

Yes!!! I have another nomination for the Top 10 Inspiring Movies that have ever graced our theatres. This will be The Shawshank Redemption contributed by Leon. Great movie adapted from Stephen King and excellently translated into Screeplay.

This is truly a Touching, Moving and Emotional movie. It just keeps your mind think though the following that were put across in the show but is still vividly in my mind:

"There's something that they can't touch...It's HOPE! And nobody can get it away from you!"

- During the lunch break

"HOPE is a good thing, maybe the Best Thing! And i Hope that this letter finds you, and finds you well!"

- When he is reading the letter


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