Been few days that i came up to post my blog. Been busy preparing plans and presentation slides for my professional job. Phew! Finally able to come back early to blog.
Yes!!! I have another nomination for the Top 10 Inspiring Movies that have ever graced our theatres. This will be The Shawshank Redemption contributed by Leon. Great movie adapted from Stephen King and excellently translated into Screeplay.
This is truly a Touching, Moving and Emotional movie. It just keeps your mind think though the following that were put across in the show but is still vividly in my mind:
"There's something that they can't touch...It's HOPE! And nobody can get it away from you!"
- During the lunch break
"HOPE is a good thing, maybe the Best Thing! And i Hope that this letter finds you, and finds you well!"
- When he is reading the letter
Thursday, 28 June 2007
3rd Nominations - Top 10 Inspiring Movies
Posted by Sean Chua at 12:45 am 0 comments
Labels: Inspiring Movies
Saturday, 23 June 2007
Lead, Follow, or Get out of the Way!
Phew! It is Saturday again! The day that i can spend with myself abit more and review about what i have done and achieved for the past one week, and what to do for the coming week. Just came back from a morning long distance jog, and have been thinking of one thing - Am I a Mover or a Shaker at Work (Corporate world). Door of chances have been opened to me, so am I to Lead or to Follow? It is really impt to think through what we want in life..I have been thinking for past 1-2 years, but thoughts came stronger last few months.
Leaders don't always lead, and followers don't always follow. Sometimes, leaders have to follow while followers lead.
Team synchronicity means recognising your level of skill within any given group and knowing when to lead, when to follow, and when to get out of the way.
At work, people are categorised by designation into Leaders (Managers), Followers (Executives, Specialists,etc), and the support staff, which are often viewed as "non-critical" to the organization, although this is far from the truth.
However, at various times, any one may find that he holds more information and know-how than others. It could be something as simple as knowing the next expansion plans, the location of the next office, and how to find specific information from database system (i.e SAP system).
Often, people don't share this information, allowing the team or a project to stall even though they may have a solution. An employee may not have the confidence to say what he thinks, because he doesn't want to outshine someone of a higher rank, or because he is not paid enough. It's easier to moan, complain and blame someone else when things go wrong.
Regardless of the type of work you do, sharing what you know to accomplish a task raises you to an influential position. While everybody's knowledge and skills fit somewhere in the puzzle, you may be holding the most important piece. As the solution provider to any problem, you become a power in your own right.
Having said that, it doesn't really matter who did what when you truly believe that you are part of a team. Getting to the finish line is the Main Concern. Here, you would do well to remember Vidal Sassoons's famous slogan: ''If you don't look good, we don't look good."
Leaders who won't follow, and you know who they are, are the ones who are so afraid of losing their power that they would rather corner employees than let others know that they are struck. A fancy designation must never be confused with leadership. This leader will not be told what to do, listen to suggestions or take action, preferring to sit it out. When a situation deteriorates, he will find a scapegoat.
A true Leader must must be willing to listen, delegate, take advice and help staff overcome operational difficulties, as well as look into their development. Employees then will feel confident enough to step forward to spearhead new projects or procedures, knowing that the new boss expects them to exercise their autonomy in the organization. He needs to creates a culture of empowering employees to act with the understanding that they will be heard and their opinions respected.
Followers act under the authority of the leaders. However, they must not lose sight of the fact that they are responsible for their own careers, and hence, must act whenever given the opportunity to display their skills and leadership qualities. Today's followers can become Tomorrow's Leaders!
The key to all this is Self-Confidence. Everyone has a plan for their career future (if you don't have a plan, get started on one!) Knowing their next step, they will be open to and intuitive about their the opportunities that may come along. They position themselevs as potential leaders, are not shy about stepping up to the spotlight and be generous to colleagues with leads and informations. But you need to know also that there are no prizes for merely doing "a good job". Career futures are determined not being a 'good' worker, but by those flashes of brilliance that make you a star. I have written about this in my earlier posts, whereby my directors expect more from me. I have over this two years taken up opportunities and certainly believed to have done well for it, i.e. Technical Presentations to a group of 50 dealers and superiors, as well as executing an executive business presentation nearly perfect to a corporate visitor.
So, to Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way!
Think through it...cos only you have that answer.
Posted by Sean Chua at 2:15 pm 0 comments
Labels: Success Secrets
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Top 10 Inspiring Movies - 2nd Nomination
This is the second nomination for the Top 10 Most Inspiring Movies that have ever graced our cinemas! Coach Carter! A basketball coach that not only aims to bring the boys to tournamen glory, but also coach them on principles of life, think of what they want in life and most importantly, Teamwork is Impt!
Thank Bro, for sharing with us your entry for this compilation.
Hope to see more nominations so that we can have the list compiled and share it with people around us....
Posted by Sean Chua at 7:41 am 0 comments
Labels: Inspiring Movies
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Inspiring Movies - Success is not by chance
Too tired of reading motivational books (so many of them outside) and paying for motivational seminars and workshops?!? Yeah. It happens to me sometimes - too many books to read..Have you ever thought of getting inspiration from movies??? Those shown in cinemas and easily available in DVD/VCD rental shops?
I am in the process of compiling the 10 MOST Inspiring Shows that have ever graced our cinemas, and to share it with the rest of the world!
This one is my favourite: - Pursuit of Happyness (acted by Will Smith)
It is based on a real story of a successful stock-broker in united states, and talks about how he Believe that Everthing is Posssible and that he will be Successful one day! This is an awesome movie that is Heart Moving & Powerfully Inspiring!!! It made me believe that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!! Art of Visualization has also been practiced by him - of visualizing that he will be driving the sports car, and giving his son a real beautiful home. By the way, the kid in the show is his real son! Awesome! For those that wanted to know about the song at the end, it is "Soar" by Chrsitina Aguilera.
Secrets: My tears almost drop into my mouth when i was watching this show. Now i visualize myself in his shoes - and will work towards my own success in order to give my family a nice beautiful home!
Some Inspiring Phrases that Captures my Attention in this movie:
1) Don't ever let somebody tell you that you can't do something. Not even me!
2) If you have a dream, Protect it!
3) I can do it!
4) People that can't do it sometimes themselves, they want to tell you that you can't do it too!
5) You want something, Go Get It! PERIOD!
PS: Share with me if you have any other Inspiring movies that you would like to share with the world. I am most happy to include them into my Top 10 Inspiring Movie List and resonate it around the globe, and hope it will bring success to those that believes in us.
PSS: Feel free also to comment on this movie on Pursuit of Happiness. Let me know your thoughts.
Posted by Sean Chua at 8:50 am 3 comments
Labels: Inspiring Movies
Laws of Attraction - Success Leaves Traces
Do you still remembered my previous articles on "Setting the Stage to become a Leader" and "The Secrets of Visulization" video? Check it out if you do not know what i am talking about. This two topics have come together to bring me recent opportunities in achieving success.
We need to have the Passion, Faith, Will and Belief in what we want, and Prepare ourselves towards it, as opportunities are everywhere.
The problem might be the simple fact that we have never prepared ourselves for that day-the day when clear and attractive opportunities come knocking on our dooor, and you hesitated and gets frightened when the chance is presented to you. Why? Because we have not prepared ourselves towards success.
Opportunities really came knocking on my doors yesterday, something that i have been working towards for the last 2 1/2 years. I am glad to be presented with that opportunity and after carefully analyzing and considering my capabilities,drive and career goals, i will be gunning for it.
Nobody knows if i will get what i want for this round, but at least i know that i have prepared myself all this while, and this is a time for me to pool together my resources, experiences and knowledge to open up the doors of Success.
I will share with you again on the details of this opportunity in time to come, since the opportunity is still rated confidential.
Hey. Please don't view me as a boring person that only knows about trainings and knowledge to be successful. I do have many hobbies. Long-distance running, soccer games and movies are some of my love in life too. Just recently watched Pirates of The Carribean and found it a nice movie. Same for Shrek 3, entertaining and relaxing movie.
PS: Success Leaves Traces! Model after successful individuals and learn from them. When you are successful, then it is time for you to come out with a Novel Model - for others to learn from you..Resonate our Success with the whole world that believes in you!
PSS: Visualize that we are successful! You need that! I am visualizing myself taking up that challenge and holding up to it. Doing an excellent job - and people will be modelling after me, my attitude in life, my Passion and Drive to accomplish what i set up to do.
Posted by Sean Chua at 8:07 am 0 comments
Labels: Success Secrets
Sunday, 17 June 2007
Set the Stage to become a Leader !
Taking the Initiative as a team member will make your colleagues look up to you and put you on the path to bigger responsibilities!
So you think you are just an employee and should take the back seat while your boss drives you? Well, you should start being the Leader now. The day you are called to lead may not be far away. Your future at work calls for you to be a leader whether you manage a group of people or not.
Gone are the days when you could afford to take a back seat and await instructions from those at higher levels of the organization. With business and technology accelerating at a fast pace, every person within an organization has to pull his weight, and this requires:
A) Getting Fully Involved:
Be a part of every activity within your area of impact. You must keep yourself fully informed of everything related to your work function. You should improve your competencies on a daily basis with the intention of boosting your efficiency and effectiveness levels.
B) Taking Responsibility:
Be Proactive. Stop blaming, complaining, or giving excuses. This is not an easy step, but it is one of the most personally fulfilling and rewarding ones. An excellent team player does not waste time arguing about why something cannot be done. Instead, he takes responsibility to make it happen. This does not mean you will have to do it alone, it means you are willing to rally people around.
C) Making it Simple:
Help everyone to do their job more easily, faster and better. Communicate clearly and simply. This is a pre-requisite for enabling people to do their job as efficiently as possible.
D) Committing Yourself:
An excellent team player attaches great meaning and purpose to what he does on a daily basis, no matter how important or trivial the task is.
E) Communicating Clearly:
Initiate open and clear communication with everyone. Don't bite your tongue and remain silent when there is a pressing need for someone to speak up.
F) Motivating Yourself:
Keep a clear focus in mind. Excellent team players motivate themselves while doing their job. They also help to motivate their colleagues and keep the morale high.
G) Striving to be a Leader:
An excellent team player is a leader! Take the lead in offering your services for any task. Deliver on what you must and you will discover that you gain the freedom to do what you want to. Once people know that you dependably deliver on what you are accountable for, work starts to become a pleasure as people no longer feel the need to supervise your every move. Excellent Team Players help others to fulfil their functions as well, whether it is part of their job scope or not. They support others to achieve their targets.
So friends out there, do all of the above and you will develop into an extraordinary leader.
PS: Above are what my army friends (in diverse industries portfolio) and i have brain-stormed and come up with. It is much through observation and thoughts from our working environment, as well as through observations from this one week re-service we had in the army.
PSS: Please feel free to add comments and feedback, so that i can make the blog more comprehensive to share with the whole world, on how to become Successful!
"A Leader takes people where they want to go."
"A great Leader takes people where they don't necessary want to go, but ought to be."
- Adapted from Rosalynn Carter, Wife of former US President Jimmy Carter.
Warmest Thoughts,
Posted by Sean Chua at 8:29 am 0 comments
Labels: Success Secrets
Stage to become a Leader!
For those that might have wondered how come i did not blog for more than a week, no worry, i am healthy and still very focussed. I just came back home from a week long army training, in Singapore, we can this Re-Service In-Camp Training. All man here have to go through this cycle, and it is a form of commitment to our small country. By the way, this in-camp was also a good platform for net-working, as all of them (700 people) are either working or studying for higher education. I am just glad that lots of people still remembers me, after a long 3 years since we last met. I also met two superiors (officers in army) that told me they saw me at the World Internet Summit (WIS) 2007! Yes, their professions are army officers, and he is in-charged of discipline. I never would think that they are also interested in Internet Marketing and to my surprise, he has a website that is ranked in the top few of the SEO.
Before the in-camp that starts on monday, i was also in a mad rush to clear off my workload in office and to prepare for a business update presentation to my division's Vice-President of Sales & Marketing function. It was a mad rush, but it was all worth it. Meeting & presentation to him was good, with a lot of sharing in thoughts and experiences.
Now i am back and i will continue to blog and share my experiences and know-hows in this area of Success Essentials. Please free free to comment and questions and always welcomed. Let me be the one to resonate the whole world with Tips to Succcess. I will start by sharing with you my thoughts on setting the stage to become a leader. This topic came to my mind, as i was looking at how the army officers command and control the whole group of 700. Some officers failed and some passed with flying colors. This certainly applies to corporate success. Stay Tuned!
Posted by Sean Chua at 8:15 am 0 comments
Labels: Success Secrets
Sunday, 10 June 2007
The Right Attitude - Towards Success
This article is what i have read from an old article in my scrapbook. Recently, came across it as i was tidying my room.
This may cause some of us to feel terrible, especially when we just started to read through the passage, but hang on, read and see for yourself.
A woman woke up one morning looked in the mirror and noticed she had only three strands of hair left on her head."Well", She said, " I think I'll braid my hair today." So she did and she had a wonderful day.
The next day, she looked in the mirror and saw that she had only two strands of hair left. "Hmm," she said, "I think I'II part my hair down the middle today."
She had a fun, happy time.
The next day, she found she had only one strand of hair left.
"Well," she said, "Today I'm going to wear my hair in a ponytail."
When there wasn't a single strand of hair on her head on the fourth day, she exclaimed: "Yay, I don't have o fix my hair today!"
Attitude is Everything!!!
Some of you may ask, are you sure about this.... I can tell you something, i am also having MPB, and curently seeking Minoxidil Treatment through the counter. But that has never stopped me..to be in a leading company..and i am the sales and technical specialist out in the market talking to end-users, Dean in University, Business Managers, etc...For those that know me, you should know what i said is the truth...cos i believe in having the RIGHT ATTITUDE..and no matter what happens in life, we will make it a better place...
PS: Will be away for 5 days from Mon onwards, as i will be back to serve the country..Will update my blog most prob next sat....Seeya....Bye
Posted by Sean Chua at 12:30 am 0 comments
Labels: Success Secrets
Thursday, 7 June 2007
One Thing at A Time, Please
Multi-Tasking ia Bad for Health
Experts in United States are saying that doing more than one thing at a time us mentally damaging. People who want to sharpen their multi-tasking skills may now need to think twice about it.
The bottom line is that you can't simultaneously be thinking about your tax return and reading an essay, just as you can't talk to yourself about two things at once.
People may think otherwise, but it's a myth.
The expert added that habitual multi-tasking may also condition the brain to an overexcited state, making it difficult to focus. People lose the skill and the will to maintain concentration.
This can be easily seen from children from Developed and Developing nations. These kids are perpetually multitasking - from listening tto music on their MP3 players and watching TV, while talking on their mobile phones - and getting dismal grades in school as a result, goes the argument.
Similarly, this applies to career minded people like us. Always want to read All the Self-Improvement Books, go for all the Seminars, and do all types of work on the computer at the same time. This usually will cause a drop in efficiency andf quality of their work.
So bloggers, rember focus more on One Thing At A Time, Please....and you will find your Success earlier......
Posted by Sean Chua at 8:59 pm 0 comments
Labels: Success Secrets
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
Tips on Persuasion - by Joel Bauer
Believed that most of you have had of The Persuasion Guru - Joel Bauer. Dint manage to attend his seminar conducted last month in Singapore, but did manage to read his article on the papers as well as an interview done by TV stations.
I shall try to summarise his version of Secrets of Persuasion as follows:
Persuasion is simply the Art of Connection! - whether emotionally, physically or mentally. Usually with an idea acrossed through a person. His theory is that If we try to tell someone something, he might just remember a little, but if we showed something, and the recipient go WOW, then there is an emotional connection.
Simple tips to Succed in Persuasion:
A) Be Unforgettable
Get people to noticed us by having a strategy to show that we are worth remembering. We need them to have a Take Home Message...towards the end of our presentation.
B) First Impressions Count
The way we dress, shake hands, and converse with others is the first step towards a positive and undeniable positive impression on them. It works to have an unique business cards or special ways of handling it out. It is the impression that we want others to rmbr. Rmbr: Be Different, Be Remembered.
C) Be Geniune
Reveal ourself and connect emotionally with people based on your values in life. Share with them your beliefs in financial stability, travelling ideas or time with family. People connect with you when you dare and willing to share personal views with them.
D) Be Flexible
Listen and respond to the people you talk to. A good negotiator senses their emotions, body languages and then finetunes and processed mentally what he or she is going to say. A good persuader moves with people as if they are one.
E) Create curiousity
Always think of ways to create curiousity in order to entice your audience. They have seen all the good presenters, sellers, etc...but no one is bored to find something interesting or intriguing...so be creative enough to create the sense of curiousity...
PS: Joel is author of "How to Persuade People Who Don't Want to be Persuaded"
Sean Chua
Posted by Sean Chua at 12:32 am 0 comments
Labels: Success Secrets
Sunday, 3 June 2007
Success Is a Formula, Not Fantasy
Have you watched a film or a TV show, and see what makes people successful and happy. It's usually some almost magical quality, event or words that were being said.
In real life, the main difference between people who achieve and people who do not isn't as exciting or mysterious, but it is As Important. It is simply Conscientious. People who Appraoched things with Order, System, Common Sense, Consistency, and Persistence will Ultimately Succed! with the correct Strategy & Knowledge!
There is a technique that many successful people always use, especially when they are still not successful yet. The technique is known as MODELLING! Simple word - Strong Effect! Yes, history have shown that many people modelled a successful person to eventually become successful! You may ask why people model each other, so boring and impossible, especially when many successful people in same area of work has so different style or strategy. The Concept is that people will do Modelling to become Successful 1st and then when they are successful, they will carve out something special about themselves, their style. Why Modelling, you may ask?! Bcos It has been PROVEN! That is how it get people successful....
For those that want to have a short and summarise article about Modelling to Success, drop me an email or a comment yeah....
PS: This is another crucial technique known as Visualization. Check out my previous entry with the video on The Secret of Visualization
Cheers to our Success,
Sean Chua
Posted by Sean Chua at 7:51 pm 0 comments
Labels: Success Secrets
6 Empowering Quotes from Guru - Adaptd fm WIS 07
For those that have been waiting for the 6 Empowering Quotes that i managed to grab from the presentation from the Internet Marketing Gurus at World Internet Mega Summit (WIS) 2007, here it is.
6 Empowering Quotes from Internet Guru:
1) Let's do it anyway!
Brett McFall
2) Open up your mind, Open up your heart..
Tom Hua
3) To succeed in anything you do, you got to make things happen. Take actions NOW!
Jay Abraham
4) It's not what you do that matters; it' HOW you do it.
Stephen Pierce
5) Success leaves traces
Armand Morin
6) Put in 100% effort on 1 thing and not 1% effort on 100 things
David Cavanagh
PS: These quotes are meant for everyone who wants to be successful, in their own special ways. They do not just apply to success in Internet Marketing, but also strongly apply to all walks of life.
Sean Chua
Posted by Sean Chua at 7:23 pm 0 comments
Labels: Inspiring Quotes
Saturday, 2 June 2007
Take Small Victories - To Become Successful!
SUCCESS = Small Victory + Small Victory + Small Victory + ......
One of the secrests of becoming successful is to Take Small Victories. Pursuing your goals is much like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. While you ultimately aim to seek the final outcome, we still have to work piece by piece.
Since we will spend most of our time trying to make progress, we must enjoy what we are doing in order to finish.
It is impt to take joy from the process, and use the small victories to fuel our continued efforts, to get closer to our final aim.
Enjoyed what you have done so far, but remind yourself by putting together all these experiences - good and bad - will take you to be the Best!
Sean Chua
Posted by Sean Chua at 1:46 am 2 comments
Labels: Success Secrets
Effort - An Overrated Trait in getting Success
Hallo, i am today to continue where i left off on Effort in getting us Success.
Effort is one of the most overrated trait in producing success. People rank it as the best predictor of succcess when in reality it is one of the least significant factors. Effort, by itself, is a terrible predictor of outcomes because inefficient effort is a tremendous source of discouragement, leaving people to conclude that they can never succeed since even expending maximum effort did not produced results they they desire.
Imagine an employee that work so hard in his corporate work, pursuing the dreams of climbing up the corporate ladder. Since day one, he has work tremendously hard, staying back to work overtime and attend each and every company outing, with times cancelling his own personal appointments. Did he see results after 3-4 years? Nope! Unfortunately, he does not! He just got his normal salary increment that almost all above average stuff gets. He just did not get the promotion that will result in quantum leap in salary. Why? Cos he did not understand that it is impt to know what the boss really one.And it is not just by working hard...
So Rule of Thump is: "Work Smart, Not Hard (only)"
Sean Chua
Posted by Sean Chua at 12:03 am 0 comments
Labels: Success Secrets
Friday, 1 June 2007
Secrets of Successful People - It's Not How Hard You Try
I have been reading quite alot of books and journals lately on the Secrets of Successful People. What do successful people have in common? Scientists worldwide have been studying the traits, beliefs and practices of successful people in all walks of life, but their research is normally reported in academic journals that are only read by other scientists or analysts.
Here i would like to share with you on the Secrets of Successful People in order for Us (not just you or me), to acquire a winning combination for achieving success in all areas of your life.
It's Not How Hard You Try:
Work hard and you will be rewarded. This is what we have always hear from parents, siblings, teachers and friends. It sound simple, isn't it??!
But remember what it was like studying for a test?! Some kids studied forever and did poorly. Some studied hardly at all and made great grades.
You can spend incredible effort inefficiently and gain nothing. Or, you can choose to spend modest efforts efficiently and be rewarded.
The purpose of what you do is to make progress, not just to expend ourself! Be Effective, Be Strategic, in whatever you do.
Be it in studying, research or corporate work environment. Does our superior want us to just work hard? Answer is NO!!! They have recently told me that i am a good man. Appreciate my efforts but he wants me to think more strategically. I was awaken!!! He is absolutely right! I have actually lost my strategic way of thinking, after i was absorbed into this rat race. I used to be very effective and strategic in my studies. Time for change!
Specially for those that are feeling the same way.
Hope this post will benefit those that are seeking to be successful.
Sean Chua
Posted by Sean Chua at 1:20 am 0 comments
Labels: Success Secrets