Friday, 21 September 2007

Strategic Career Planning 2 - Goal Setting

In order to plan our career, we need to do 2 things i felt. Today i am going to cover the 1st Step.

A) Set you Goals

We spend most of our waking hours working. We go through school preparing for the workforce. But at critical moments, we are stumped! Questions like "Can i spend my time doing thr things I love most? Will i truly feel fulfilled in my careers? Will i realise my dreams? How do i get there?" cross your minds. It certainly crossed mine constantly.

Career goal-setting and work-life balance are not usually taught in school, yet if we don't know our goals and plans the steps we must take to reach them , we could end up somewhere completely different. Setting carrer goals charts a focused plan towards that dream job. It's a powerful motivational process for turning the vision of your ideal career into reality!

If you set clearly-defined short -term and long-term goals, you will be able to measure your progress and eventually achieve personal satisfaction. Your self-confidence will grow as you see your progess - which certainly would be hard to measure if you have not formulated your goals properly. You will become more aware of your abilities, which also boosts your self-esteem.

Tomorrow, then i will share with you on the 2nd thing to do - Knowing Yourself!

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